Employment listings are posted online on this page. Listings must include complete employment description, contact information, telephone numbers, mailing addresses and e-mail addresses. Listings are for 30 days and will post online after receipt of payment; listings are renewable and can be billed for each 30-day period posted online.
PLEASE NOTE: As of March 1, 2021, salary ranges are a requirement to post to the AAAM page. Also, please add the following line to your announcement: Please indicate you gained knowledge of this position from the Assoc. of African American Museums.
- Listings from AAAM member institutions will be posted at no charge (MUST LOGIN WITH MEMBER ACCOUNT TO FOR FREE UPLOADS).
- Rates for employment listings are: $75 per first 100 words, 10¢ per word thereafter (NON-MEMBER RATE).
We will contact you directly should we require any further information (i.e. missing items from announcement, or revision needed for invoice due to 100 word limit overage).