Please join us for the 45th annual Association of African American Museums conference. We invite proposals that consider the idea of diaspora, examine the role of cultural landscapes in shaping communities, and reflect on how our ties to land and place influence the approach of communities and museums to our work.
Museums, Music & Movements
- Music –
- Music for has deep roots in African and African American communities. Most music has a significant spiritual meaning within the African American traditions.
- Explore how relationships with the community and stakeholders has is linked to music.
- Explore how aspects of Black history, art, and culture have received new life, new attention through programming, exhibitions, and digital content through music.
- Discuss the roots of music with emphasis on how and why Black museums, artists, and practitioners within the field commemorate different genre of music (ex: country, hip hop, rhythm and blues, gospel, etc.)
- Movements –
- Explore the methods of movements throughout history and how Black museums in particular have contributed to the cultural, historical, and artistic landscape
- Explore the preservation of sites of memory and remembrance from sites of historical trauma and tragedy to African American cemeteries and memorials.
- Explore the role of protest through music and the key contributions of African Art and African American-focused museums and cultural institutions.
- Proposals specific to the following will also be considered:
- Funding
- Sustainability
- Board Training
- Staff Retention
AAAM 2023 conference is a unique opportunity for our community to come together face to face after a long absence. In this hybrid dialogue, our hope is that we can explore the ways in which our members have evolved and adjusted to this globally historic pandemic as well as once again connect and fellowship as a community.
By submitting your proposal, you agree to AAAM's Code of Conduct. If AAAM needs to switch to a virtual environment, you are willing to present, and agree to have your session recorded and used by AAAM at a later date. https://blackmuseums.org/code-of-conduct-agreement/
Session Topics should address best practices in one of the following areas:
Track 1: Audience Diversity (Relevance, Outreach and Responsiveness)
Track 2: Collections Information Management and/or Digitization (Archiving & Conserving)
Track 3: Financial Stewardship (Resource Management and Institutional Advancement)
Track 4: Leadership Development (Strategic Forecasting and Succession Planning)
Track 5: Organizational Development (Mission, Governance and Operations Planning)
Track 6: Visitor Experience (Education, Curation, Interpretation, Public Programs, and Exhibits)
Track 7: Advocacy (Creating Buy-In, Alliance Building among Funders and Policy Makers)
Track 8: Marketing (Social Media, and Audience Engagement)
Within these tracks, we encourage proposals for interactive trainings that engage the nuts and bolts of all aspects of your work from conception to implementation.
Tips for Online Proposal Submissions:
Proposals must be submitted online via the AAAM online submission portal.
Proposals must be submitted by a Current AAAM Member.
Session Organizers must input a User ID (email) and self-selected Password for use when submitting proposals on the AAAM website.
Both the user ID and Password should be retained in a safe place for future reference.
All required fields must be filled in order for the online application to be submitted.
Click the Register button to begin your session proposal online application.
Deadline for Session Proposals: March 13th, 2023 (11:59 pm PST)